In Memory of Sue Bowers

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( September 26, 1953 - June 9, 1996 )

My best friend, Sue Bowers, died in a tragic car accident in '96. After high school she graduated from Arizona State University. She was very successful, worked for American Express in Arizona as a manager of Foundry Engineering. Sue was at a point in her career where American Express was sending her to Europe on business trips.  She was very adventuresome ...  avid hiker, hot air ballooning, things like that.  She had a magnificent home and had just purchased 80 acres adjoining her parents property.  Sue had a zillion friends there and was divorced although stayed good friends with her ex. She was so unconditional, the best of a friend and I've really missed her.

A couple weeks before she died I saw Dave Asselin who was going to Arizona on business. I let Sue know and gave Dave her info and she met with him and took him all over the place and to meet some of her friends.  He said he had a great time. The week of her death, she had called me late and I was unable to talk very long.  She asked if Coz (Cathy Cosmenco), would be up and I gave her the phone #.  Coz said she called that night, told her to get her yearbook out, and the two of them reminisced and laughed and had a great time on the phone.  How strange the events that preceded her death.  When she died, I called Dave and Coz and they were beyond shocked  She was just a real special person.   She stayed completely Sue, nothing went to her head. I think of her often.  Ruth Presutti