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Lillian Alford and Alan Naldrett gazed into their crystal ball as we were all graduating and came up with some humorous predictions for the future for many of us. Some of these are closer to truth than fiction. Those of us who follow the stock market could use their skills!

It was 1994, and the Great War was still raging. As the air raid whistle once more blew, a crowd of 171 flocked into the capacity 170 air raid shelter. Once inside each individual person looked about him, and saw that he vaguely recognized the other people from somewhere or other. As each person’s comprehension came into focus, they all realized that gathered in this air raid shelter was the Anchor Bay High School Class of "71" assembled in it’s entirety. As the bombs raged on we learned from the conversations what each person had done with their life............

The first person we see is MIKE AHRENS. Mike has taken Mr. Vincent’s place as drafting teacher when he retired to the farm. .....Talking with Mike are BYRON GAVE, HAP LUTZ, AND DAVE BLAESS, who are heads of all the stock boys at K-Mart. Working under them are NANCY PIRTLE, DARLENE WITT, AND PATTY THORTON... Patty has developed a potion to get rid of the frizzies and is trying to get it patented... The noise in the corner comes from LILEE ALFORD, LYNN CHRISTIE, and WENDY BIESKE….. Lilee now runs her own summer cheerleading camp and Lynn has bought out Black Label and started her own brewery. It seems Wendy has gained great fame as the first woman jockey to win the Kentucky Derby.......

And there’s DAVE ASSELIN who is now a door to door salesman for grease and leather jackets.... Making intelligent conversation are CARL BANDY, CHARLIE WAUGH, AND RICH PETTIT, who are all in a controversial rock group.....LES BEASLEY is discussing his latest poetry book entitled "The Fly" with novelist…..JACK OREWYLER, who like the famous author’ O’ Henry wrote most of his stories while in jail.....Listening is JERRY BEVERLY who is now manager of Montgomery Wards. Next to them are NAOMI BEAUVAIS who is lieutenant and official expert on war games ....Talking to Naomi are SHARON WILLEY telling about her job as gym teacher to the captain of the Arkansas Lassies, PATTY RESKE........

JANET GREWE tells tales of what its like to be top player in the whiffle ball league.... The rumbles of bombs nearby knock everyone down and feet are up in the air. We notice those funny looking gym shoes and of course its KEVIN HARTNER, and MIKE BODE, who are partners in the Puma sportswear industry…. Cottin pickin someone yells and we see DANNY SCHINZING who owns a chain of mens clothing stores that specialize in bell bottoms......Jotting notes down is SUE BOWERS who is editor of the Anchor Bay Beacon and runs it for owner TIM LEROY ....... We have just got word that MARY BOWLES and DONNA KRET could not make it because they are still hitchhiking across the U.S.A.

Talking to STEVE BUNCH owner of Bunch’s Barber shop is CINDI BRABSON, who came all the way from her Tee Pee in Colorado, and JANET TROMBLY, who hosts her own talk show......

And there is our good ol’ President IKE CARPENTER, who is keeper of the Macomb County Jail. Next to him is DALE COOPER, who is head of the local chapter of Hell’s Angels...... Also there is KURT ROLAND, top Drill Instructor for the U.S. Marine Corps......... Talking with them is DON PETRE, who is chairman of the board of Triumph Inc….

The sound of a machine gun interrupts everyone and they duck for cover! ! ! False Alarm, it was only RUTH PRESUTTI, laughing!!!!!! Ruth plays first chair clarinet in the world symphony and sells tape recordings of her voice to high basketball teams for more spirit.........Playing first chair flute for the same symphony is MARJORIE STAYLER.... Laughing with Ruth is CATHY COSMENCO, who is director and producer of the Russian Ballet..... Discussing sports with DAVE COULTER, head film editor for NBC, is BOB DEROSIA, who replaced Howard Cosell as the famous sportscaster.

Just arriving are NANCY DUPRAY, MARYLOU DLOSKI, BARB WISNEY, AND MARY BETH ROCHE, who successfully operate a taxi service to and from Daytona Beach.......Discussing her guitar manufacturing is KATHY DEMARAIS …She is trying to get famous folk singer CLAUDIA SCHMIDT to buy one….

IRENE DUSETT is telling New Baltimore librarian CATHY WAGNER the problems of running the school cafeteria..... From listening to everyone talk we learns that GARY FORST still works for Mobile Petroleum Products, and ANNICE GABLER is a shorthand teacher, ...teaching with her is APRIL HAYNES, who’s subject is typing, of which she broke all speed records........It seems Senator JACK GRUP could not make it because he is debating some issue on the floor of the Senate...CECIL GAEDCKE is a waitress at the Top of the Flame and DORTHY NYE FOLDEN is still in Hawaii vacationing....

BOB GUSTIN not only has won more games that Denny Mclain but also tried and beat the record for the 100-yard dash.... With him is his wife MARY MCNALLY, who owns a chain of stores that specialize in hot pants.....SHERRY HALVORSON came all the way from Norway where she owns a beauty salon.... Her salons in the U.S. are run by KATHY KAUFMAN, TOMMIE SHEPHERD and SANDY PETITPREN…. PAT JACKSON is here….rich from money from her freckle removing cream chatting with Pat is PEGGY WIESENBERGER, top player for the Detroit Pistons.…

Waddling in is MARK RAIRAICK who operates his own duckfarm. With him is KATHY HUEBNER head pianist at Shakeys Pizza..........The clicking of needles leads us to ANNE KIRCHHORF, trying to set a worlds record for knitting.... And there are JOE and MIKE KOWALESKI, who turned their home into a nightclub and are famous for their parties..

Giggling in their gray janitor suits are CAROL YOUNG and IRIS SCHWARZ...It seems they enjoyed cleaning up the school so much they decided to stay on.... LARRY KOYL and PAUL SCALLY have just invited everyone to their jointly owned bar formerly known as the Town Pump.... Famous outfielder for the Detroit Tigers, JIM LORDER, is here signing autographs…. GREG MALISKEY talks to KEITH MARCERO, owner of Beavais Hardware about his job playing organ for Lawrence Welk......Still trying to find the right car, JESS MCARTNEY talks it over with car dealer SHARON MCCORMACK ...Sharon just keeps winning more and more cars in those raffles........Several New Baltimore businesses have been taken over by members of our class Jerry Myers, proprietor of Petrinas discusses the butcher business with RICK MILLER… LUANNE STOVER now owns Stover’s Pharmacy......

ALAN NALDRETT shows us some of the magic tricks he performs on his show Mr. Houdini.... Trying to place some bets is JOHN PROVOST, owner of every penny arcade in Las Vegas and Reno.....Bringing in some of his delicious kilbalsa LARRY ROGALSKI gets help from MARK SPEZIA, who along with his witty remarks, has replaced Mr. MacDonald as Govt. and Soc. teacher....... Dancing her famous belly routine is BRANDE ROTTMANN......

Walking in with his diving gear is RUSTY STEFFLER, famous Marine Biologist who made world headlines when he single handedly caught the Lock Ness Monster........There’s RICK

TROMMATER top detective for the New Baltimore Police Dept….He is still trying to solve several ripp-off cases…... RICKY SCHEHE couldn’t be with us. He is in the hospital after his many medals from wrestling weighed him down so much that he became exhausted...

In walks STEVE WARNKE from his Dude Ranch in Nebraska.....MIKE WELCH and KATHY WESTERMANN....Mike is a football player for the Detroit Lions and Kathy owns her own Dairy Queen........And of course last but certainly not least we see GAIL ZABOWSKI. Gail tells us that she missed working at Hart’s so much that she went back to work and is now manager.....It was late as Gail told us about the joys at Hart’s and the bombs had finally stopped. As each person filed out of the shelter, they turned and ran in the direction of their respective habitat as fast as they could..

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